Welcome to Castles-Across-Europe

(English) Castles-across-europe.com is a website dedicated to European castles.

On this site you will find pictures of more than 800 castles (and some castle ruins) from 25 different European countries.

This website is constantly under construction. New castles and new countries will be added in the near future.


(deutsch) Castles-across-europe.com ist eine Website, die den europäischen Schlössern gewidmet ist. 

Auf dieser Website finden Sie Bilder von über 800 Burgen und Schlössern (und einigen Burgruinen) aus 25 verschiedenen europäischen Ländern.
Diese Website ist ständig im Aufbau und wird kontinuierlich erweitert.
Neue Schlösser und neue Länder werden in naher Zukunft hinzugefügt.

(Nederlands) Castles-across-europe.com is een website gewijd aan Europese kastelen. 

Op deze site vindt u foto's van meer dan 800 kastelen (en enkele kasteelruïnes) uit 25 verschillende Europese landen. Deze website is voortdurend in aanbouw.

Nieuwe kastelen en nieuwe landen zullen in de nabije toekomst worden toegevoegd.

(Français) Castles-across-europe.com est un site web consacré aux châteaux européens. 

Sur ce site, vous trouverez des photos de plus de 800 châteaux (et quelques ruines de châteaux) provenant de 25 pays européens différents.
Ce site web est constamment en construction.

De nouveaux châteaux et de nouveaux pays seront ajoutés dans un avenir proche.


Contact me

If you enjoy this website, please let me know. I always love to hear from people who like what I do.

I will not use your information for anything else, but a possible reply.


Maastricht, Netherlands


This site is a labour of love and a non-commercial effort. Since April of 2012, I have been taking pictures of castles. In the beginning of castles in Germany and from 2013 onward also of castles in 24 other European countries.

When possible, I try to take some interior pictures as well, but in most cases this is not possible or simply forbidden. That's why I concentrate mainly on finding good spots from different angles, from where I can take the best possible outdoor pictures of the castles. Sometimes this means hiking for hours and climbing rocky hill paths, but it's all done with an ideal shot in mind.

This is not my first web site. In the past I was the web master of Skyscraper Pictures Collection (1999-2012), about skyscrapers from around the world, and Burgendeutschland (2012-2018), about German castles. Because I had visited so many other castles, I decided to start a new website to share my collection of pictures, information and some videos with other castle minded souls around the world. From April 2020 until mid-March 2024, this site was hosted by Wix, but because of some troubles there, the website went offline. I am now starting anew here at Jouwweb. Because of this, the website is under construction. Just like a castle that is being built, brick by brick, layer by layer and tower by tower.


P.s.  All pictures on this site have my copyright. It's okay to download them for personal use, but it's forbidden to use them on other websites, without contacting me beforehand. Whether or not I grant permission depends on what you want to use them for.

P.S. click the little drawing at the top, for a map of Europa with all the castles I have taken pictures of.

In the near future, all these will be linked to their respective page on this website.